Why “color” and not “colour”?

There is English, American English and HTML.

We chose HTML.

What can we expect in the future?

We are planning to offer a number of creative projects powered by dapps and smart contracts. Our projects will force you to decide whether you want to keep your minted colors or whether you want to “burn them” and turn them into something new.

Will the circulation reduce?

Our circulation will always be 16,777,216 colors. Colors used to create new art will be returned to the secondary market at pricing which will be determined by the project.

What’s the reason for this project?

Our dream is for 16,777,216 collectors to each hold their favourite color and only their favourite colour in their wallet. That said, we’re not wedded to a single outcome and we know the above is highly unlikely. We’re as interested as anyone as to what this project can become.